Success and Security: Honing Your Senses, Being Unapologetically You & Eliminating Shame

Welcome back for another episode all about defining and achieving personal success, which, as I see it, means living authentically, happily and without shame.

I used to see success as a material or external achievement rather than a personal, internal process. But no matter what it looks like, success is about feeling secure, joyful, and confident, rather than meeting societal standards or a checklist of musts. In my experience, radical honesty and authenticity are key to sustainable success, lessons learned from reflecting on my past…

As you listen on, you’ll hear me share about my engagement and how my perspective on relationships and success has evolved. I also bring up Baby Reindeer and the importance of going socially AWOL. As it pertains to work and career, I share my experience of taking a job for financial security twice with two very different results, I chat about separating the concept of success from job fulfillment, and how finding personal success and fulfillment outside of work is essential.

I offer practical tips for achieving personal success, such as listening to your inner b*tch and dissecting that inner voice. I introduce Dr. Daniel Amen's questions to counteract automatic negative thoughts: "Is this true?" "Can I absolutely know that it's true?" "How do I react when I think that thought?" and "Who would I be without the thought?" Additionally, I incorporate The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz into daily life: Be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best.

If you find you are paralyzed by possibilities or succumb to seeking external validation, tune in to reflect on what personal success means and how to foster it in your own life.

As always, let me know what you think of this episode here or on my Instagram: @SabrinaSmelko


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