Deep Cleaning, You As Your Full-Time Job, Triggers & What You Bring Into Your Vision

In this week’s sample platter of what’s going on in my personal world, I chat about auditing and deep cleaning your home, seeing your life as 4,000 treasured weeks, women and their dogs, treating yourself as your full-time job, the impact of astrology on my life, human design, what the meaning of life is to me, the concept of our memories getting saved to our DNA, romancing what you want to bring into your vision, the importance of feeling good about everything you do, how triggers are a valuable sign of what we truly think of ourselves, the idea that Hashimoto's is a BS disease, our body as an ecosystem, our shared 99% DNA epigenetics, chia seeds and more!  

This episode is definitely a little all over the place, but such is life in my world :) As always, please let me know what you think of this episode with a like or comment - and feel free to share YouTube video links with a friend if you think they might be interested in joining our community to learn more about being their most favourite self.

For a link to the Hashimoto's clip, click here.

x, SS


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