You Don't Need Filler and Botox, You Need to Nourish Your Fascia
45 days ago, I began a myofascial self-massage journey that began with the goal to de-bulk my neck, relax my masseter and improve my skin and overall facial appearance, and it ended with me diving deep into the world of fascia and learning just how vital it is for maintaining our youth.
Why did I embark on this journey to begin with? Well, because I was facing the prospect of a $6,000 bill and beginning the never-ending process of filler and botox… In this week’s episode, we explore the fascinating world of fascia and its implications on our health, appearance, and well-being.
Before you scroll on thinking this doesn’t affect you, think again! Poor fascial health can lead to issues such as chronic pain and limited mobility, but it also is the culprit behind wrinkles, cellulite and even hair thinning and graying. A lot of the negative symptoms of aging we call “natural” are simply our fascial system’s reaction to our bad habits.
But fret not! There are oodles of things you can add to your arsenal to keep your fascia in proper health. Listen on to find out more about:
* My personal journey improving my crow's feet, face shape, and neck/shoulder appearance through Anastasia's GLOW program
* Myofascial massage tips, techniques and tools like gua sha, rollers, and fascia balls.
* How "the body keeps score" and stores trauma in our fascia. How emotional release occurs with massage release.
* Fascia as a sensory organ, not just structural.
* The importance of movement and pandiculation (stretching with added contraction)
* The Big Six by Dr. Perry and the benefits of short swiping and lymph opening exercises.
* Supplementing copper for returning pigmentation in hair.
* Face yoga and face workouts that build muscle are counterintuitive for beautification.
* Other tips for improving fascia health, including proper posture, mewing, regular movement, inversions, hydration, proper breathing, 20hz frequency, and earthing/grounding.
Find links mentioned below:
Gua Sha - 30% off with code EVERYSEVEN
Massage Comb for Scalp - 30% off with code EVERYSEVEN
PS: If you want an extra boost of relaxation and support from essential oils, I create a few blends and would recommend Chill Out and I Am Connected along the temples and neck and before bed for a great sleep!
I hope you enjoyed this episode!!! x, SS