Every Seven Years You Have a Nearly New Body

My friends, your sensitivity is a superpower and you have been gifted with the most beautiful instrument one can receive: your body…

Every seven years, you essentially have a new body, and — newsflash — this body has been created by you: by your habits, choices, environment and lifestyle. Like nature, you are constantly cycling and rebuilding, and just as a tree requires ample water, nutrients, fresh air, sunlight, sloughing, and seasons to stay vibrant, you too require constant attention and proper care. But in today’s society, we’ve become so distracted from the cues our body shows us often tuning in only when it’s screaming with symptoms and disease.

If you’re curious about how to be your favourite you, join me on Every Seven Years for deep dives intended to inspire you to uncover the wisdom within us all so you can live with more ease, and confidence — and more like your true self.


My Eating Disorder, Self-Acceptance & Body Love Journey